Patient Engagement Trends and Best Practices

June 23, 2021
Join us each month for videos, whitepapers, guides, and live sessions that will help you keep up-to-date on current trends and inspire you to innovate in your organization.
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10:00AM - 11:00AM ET
Wearables - Managing the Data and Overcoming the Barriers that Come Along with Them

Wearables, including health trackers and remote patient monitoring devices, are set to become “must-haves” in the delivery of healthcare. But plenty of barriers still remain, from data quality, to integration between devices and systems, to patient privacy and engagement. Those on the leading edge of innovation, however, believe that the opportunity to help transform care delivery outweighs the limitations. Panelists with review their greatest learnings about patient-generated health data to date and keys to overcoming longstanding challenges.

11:30AM - 12:00PM ET
Fireside Chat with an Industry Expert

Fireside chats with an industry expert feature engaging, passionate speakers whose talks expose new ideas in healthcare that are supported by concrete evidence and are relevant to current and future industry trends. Presentations will explore novel and counterintuitive approaches to solving the many complex problems facing our health system.

12:30PM - 1:00PM ET
Fireside Chat with an Industry Expert

Fireside chats with an industry expert feature engaging, passionate speakers whose talks expose new ideas in healthcare that are supported by concrete evidence and are relevant to current and future industry trends. Presentations will explore novel and counterintuitive approaches to solving the many complex problems facing our health system.

2:00PM - 3:00PM ET
Trend Watch - Digital Health Prescribing

Increasingly, health systems are making it easier for their clinicians to prescribe and track usage of digital therapeutics and apps. Popular digital offerings range from shared decision-making tools and questionnaires to surgical preparation and recovery apps, behavioral health apps, diabetes management and maternity care. In this panel, chief digital officers will describe their efforts to standardize and track digital health prescribing across their ecosystems.