Acceleration of Mobility in Healthcare

June 22, 2021
The slow evolution of transitioning to mobility in the healthcare arena got a jolt once the pandemic hit.
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The slow evolution of transitioning to mobility in the healthcare arena got a jolt once the pandemic hit.   Today over 75% of clinicians use tablets or smartphones on the job regularly with more clinical workflows adopting mobility at a more rapid pace.  Luckily, the addition of mobility to Electronic Health Records, or EHRs, was already in place for clinicians. Effectively managing care plans for each patient, ensuring accuracy in the electronic medical record, and making it functional and usable on a mobile device is a complicated process in a complex environment. Having a sound strategy for technology selection, integration, deployment, training, and management is vital for patient care that happens at the bedside.

Join this webinar to learn about how ePlus supports “Mobile First” strategies in Healthcare and how Code Corp products enable mobile devices for soft scanning, the pitfalls to avoid, and how to choose the right software for you. 

Presented by: 

Lorie DiCarlantonio, Sr. Regional Account Manager – Northeast Region and New England States at Code Corporation  
Over 22 years of providing mobility service and solutions into the Healthcare industry with a vast knowledge of point of care workflow.

Kent Bandy, Regional Account Manager – Mid-Atlantic and South East at Code Corporation  
25 years in the data capture and POS industries with positions in companies such as Honeywell and Elo Touch Solutions.

Ken Puffer, Chief Technology Officer, Healthcare at ePlus  
Ken Puffer is the Chief Technology Officer for Healthcare solutions at ePlus. In this role, Ken consults with a broad range of healthcare leaders and technology partners to help ePlus develop, deploy, optimize, and maintain solutions that help solve the unique challenges facing healthcare.

George Pashardis, Vice President,Healthcare at ePlus Technology Inc.   
George Pashardis serves as the Vice President of Healthcare for ePlus Technology Inc., a leading consultative technology solutions provider that helps customers imagine, implement, and achieve more from their technology. Pashardis brings more than 30 years of experience in his role serving customers in one of the IT industry’s and country’s largest industry sectors.