Improving the Patient Experience in a Highly Regulated Industry: Save Time & Stay Secure

Dec. 6, 2022
The days of doctors spending 3-4 hours in the EHR systems are over. It is time to give time back to the doctors, reduce the cost of the time spent calling patients and do it all with privacy and compliance in mind.
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The days of doctors spending 3-4 hours in the EHR systems are over. It is time to give time back to the doctors, reduce the cost of the time spent calling patients and do it all with privacy and compliance in mind. 70% of patients say they will not answer a phone call – start communicating with patients how they prefer and save your hospitals time & money. Learn how to implement a communication strategy that benefits both you and your patients.  

In this webinar you will learn: 

  • How to make admin easy in a highly regulated environment  
  • How to save doctors time and give admin access to send patient information in a secure way  
  • How to allow broader access for communication