New Research: The State of Healthcare Cloud Security and Compliance Posture

June 13, 2024
Compliance & Security Debt Awareness Could Have Prevented Change Healthcare & Ascension Healthcare Breaches

This webinar was originally held on June 13, 2024 and is now available for on demand viewing.

Duration: 1 hour

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75% of healthcare CISOs and CIOs report that meeting security and compliance measures competes with scaling innovation and growth. The recent Change Healthcare and Ascension Healthcare breaches demonstrate that even baseline levels of compliance and security debt within a healthcare organization can lead to detrimental patient outcomes and a monstrously negative fiscal and brand reputation impact.

Join healthcare leaders for deep peer insights from 200 healthcare executives and technology leaders across health tech, payers, providers and pharma to benchmark against their current posture state, security and compliance priorities, funding strategies and how they plan to tackle the future of changing compliance regulations.

You’ll leave this session knowing:

  • How your cloud security posture compares to the industry
  • Where your biggest cloud risks and likelihood of an incident live in your cloud
  • Real-world examples of common-sense issues negatively impacting healthcare orgs
  • How to quantify the risk in your cloud for security and compliance issues
  • How to justify your efforts to de-risk your business with an ROI approach

Healthcare breaches are happening more than once per day. Don’t be the next headline. Break free from the security and compliance debt that’s putting your healthcare org at risk.

Register Today!



Chief Information Security Officer & Founder

Chris Bowen serves as the Founder and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at ClearDATA. He is an accomplished executive with over 20 years of experience in healthcare technology, security, and privacy. Bowen’s expertise spans multiple public cloud platforms and is known for his passion for protecting patient privacy and ensuring health data security. He is a sought-after speaker at national industry events and webinars on topics spanning health data security, legislation, and AI in healthcare. 

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