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Complex IT, Simple Approach: Ensuring Security in an Era of Digital Transformation

April 24, 2019
Bridging the gap between IT, security, and clinicians will be critical to ensuring that systems are deployed securely, technology is adopted by clinical staff, and the quality of patient care remains a top priority, just as it should be.
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The average clinician, who typically may only have 12 to 15 minutes to spend with patients, has very little time to focus on complex security barriers. This is why your IT staff needs a simple way to manage access to the evolving set of technology platforms. Your clinicians want to do what their medical training prepared them for: provide excellent patient care.

Bridging the gap between IT, security, and clinicians will be critical to ensuring that systems are deployed securely, technology is adopted by clinical staff, and the quality of patient care remains a top priority, just as it should be.

This whitepaper explores how to adopt a simpler approach to data security within a complex IT environment. Specifically, the paper addresses:

  • Why clinician adoption is essential to a strong security infrastructure;
  • Strategies to securely implement virtualization across your healthcare organization;
  • Prescribing (and securing) controlled substances in the digital age;
  • Best practices for mobile device security in healthcare;
  • And much more!