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Identity and Access Management for Healthcare

June 10, 2019
This white paper will examine how healthcare organizations are working to ensure that IAM capabilities can work across all application types, including cloud business applications, and across an array of devices.
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Health system Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) are under increasing pressure to develop detailed and sophisticated Identity and Access Management (IAM) strategies. Besides provisioning and de-provisioning new clinicians, they have to worry about ever-increasing cybersecurity threats and be prepared for audits to ascertain that employees who had access to protected health information (PHI) had the proper permissions.

Research has found that provider organizations with the most mature IAM programs gravitate toward integrated platforms for identity governance. This white paper will examine how healthcare organizations are working to ensure that IAM capabilities can work across all application types, including cloud business applications, and across an array of devices. A key to success is understanding how IAM capabilities are best integrated into clinicians’ workflows.