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How Cybersecurity Tools and Resources Can Work Together

Dec. 3, 2019
As cybersecurity challenges across healthcare continue to manifest, industry leaders answer key questions with essential insights that can help stakeholders better prepare their organizations for the cyberattacks of tomorrow.
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As cybersecurity challenges across healthcare continue to manifest, industry leaders answer key questions with essential insights that can help stakeholders better prepare their organizations for the cyberattacks of tomorrow.

Read more as Guy McAllister, Director Privacy & Security, CISA 405 (d) Task Force Member, Board Secretary/Treasurer of Community Health IT answers important questions like:

  • What cybersecurity best practices would you recommend above all in this current moment and how can technology/IT tools further help in this area?
  • How would you rank provider organizations’ sophistication levels in being able to properly defend themselves against cyberattacks (1 to 10 scale with 1 being completely unprepared and 10 being extremely advanced in their preparation)?
  • Do you feel that cybersecurity professionals are currently empowered enough to drive change throughout their organizations?