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Ambient Intelligence

June 23, 2020
Reducing clinician burnout and enhancing patient care through artificial intelligence.
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Burnout is a significant challenge for health care organizations, especially in rural hospitals that struggle with recruiting new clinicians. The loss of a single provider in a rural hospital can have tremendous impact on patient care, creating a strain on other clinicians as well as financial implications. Emerging artificial intelligence (AI) technologies can help organizations create more value for their patients and communities by converting time-consuming, labor-intensive and often inefficient tasks and functions into actionable information to produce better outcomes. 

This executive dialogue examines AI technologies, including ambient clinical intelligence and listening systems. It explores how these systems can transcribe a conversation between a doctor and patient and upload key portions of it into a medical record, alleviating clinician burnout by reducing administrative and regulatory requirements and allowing clinicians more time with patients. It also explores current barriers to AI adoption and how organizations can achieve clinician support and buy-in.