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Leveraging the EHR for Effective Clinical Workflows

June 23, 2020
The quest for optimal clinical workflows can often seem like folly. Whether it’s too many clicks, unnecessary interruptions, or intrusive administrative steps, so many things can – and do – interfere with the task at hand.
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The quest for optimal clinical workflows can often seem like folly. Whether it’s too many clicks, unnecessary interruptions, or intrusive administrative steps, so many things can – and do – interfere with the task at hand.

Despite these challenges, healthcare providers have devised countless, creative ways to work around the obstacles they face. But workarounds can overlook the potential of “working withs.”

Many electronic health records (EHRs) have capabilities that can be leveraged to support and even improve workflows. From the customization of Clinical Decision Support features, to automated task delegation, to the personalization of documentation templates, there are numerous ways that EHRs can help. This eBook explores just a few ways in which technology can address challenges frequently faced by clinicians, freeing up valuable time and easing frustrations.