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Optimizing capacity management: The prescription health systems need

June 26, 2023
The economics of health systems have never been more challenged than they are today. The free cash flow that is available is not adequate to build new operating rooms or inpatient rooms. Meanwhile, staffing shortages and diminishing patient experience remain major ongoing concerns. The only viable option for health systems to survive and grow is to derive more value from existing assets and resources.

With better capacity management, organizations can handle more OR cases without having to add staff and resources, reduce length of stay by identifying and eliminating barriers to discharge, and schedule staffing levels proactively based on more accurate demand forecasts. These concepts aren’t radical and new they’re just new to healthcare.

Fortunately, leading health systems are increasingly recognizing the power of data, analytics and artificial intelligence when used in combination with change management expertise. In this way, many health systems are fundamentally transforming the healthcare experience for both patients and clinicians while simultaneously enhancing their organization’s financial well-being.

DOWNLOAD this asset to discover some overarching themes that coalesced during the 2023 Transform Hospital Operations Summit, hosted by Becker’s Healthcare and sponsored by LeanTaaS.

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