Lean Taa S Ipf Wp Proactive Discharge

Proactive Discharge Planning: Optimizing Patient Flow & Reducing Staff Burnout

July 28, 2023
Staffing shortages, fluctuating capacities, higher acuity patients, and economic pressures have added further complexities to the already complicated process of discharge planning.

Manual, chaotic processes around daily bed management and discharge planning not only weakens staff and provider morale but also negatively impacts patient/family experience and quality of care. These processes, coupled with economic pressures, staffing shortages and fluctuating capacity have further complicated the already complex process of discharge planning and managing length of stay. 

3 Learning Objectives: 

  • Key processes related to decreasing the number of avoidable days by identifying potential discharge barriers earlier
  • How technology supports key processes related to discharge management
  • The future of technology in discharge planning

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