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State of the Market: New Challenges in Health Data Management

Industry lags in adopting information technologies with the biggest potential benefits

Today’s health data management challenges are almost unimaginably complex. Healthcare providers are grappling with unprecedented threats to the security of their patients’ information, and effective data protection is paramount. At the same time, they must evaluate a bewildering array of new technologies. What are the implications of cloud adoption? Should we embrace AI-based applications, or is it still too early? Can we afford the latest tools to secure our systems and our data, and do we have the expertise to use them effectively? Can we comply with growing regulatory demands? Are we deriving as much value as possible from analyzing the mountains of data that our systems produce? 

This detailed survey of their peers will give healthcare industry leaders important benchmarks for evaluating their own organization’s data management journey and help them identify areas of opportunity that they may have overlooked. The evolution of health data management tools will only accelerate, and the need to use them effectively will only become more urgent. This report will help you understand your starting point and where to go from there.

Download the full Report.

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