Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence

Population Health Management

Drexel University Moves Forward on Leveraging NLP to Improve Clinical and Research Processes

At Drexel University, Walter Niemczura is helping to lead an ongoing initiative to improve research processes and clinical outcomes through the leveraging of NLP technology
Population Health Management

New Analysis in the New England Journal Finds the Leveraging of IT for Population Health To Be Inadequate

A new analysis published in The New England Journal of Medicine, and looking at the policy and IT elements around population health development, concludes that healthcare leaders...
Digital Health
Population Health Management

New Health Affairs Study: Effectiveness of Digital Health Solutions Remains Unproven

A review of the research around the new digital health solutions by a team of healthcare policy researchers finds those solutions’ effectiveness remains largely unevaluated around...
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Population Health Management

AI and Healthcare: Cure-All, Poison Pill, or Simply Smarter Medicine?

AI is moving from hypothetical to business critical in healthcare. Implementing AI may seem like a cure-all to every hospital woe, from data entry to imaging, and it would be ...
Mobile Apps Competition
Population Health Management

One Thought-Leader’s Look at the New Social Contract in Medicine and Healthcare

Healthcare thought-leader Michael Millenson shares his perspectives on the emerging new social contract around medical care and healthcare—in a time of accelerating technology...