EXAM-VAULT System archiving service from CoActiv LLC now provides worldwide archive access with support provided by a new colocation agreement with Internet backbone provider Level 3 Communications, one of the largest in the world. EXAM-VAULT is part of CoActiv’s EXAM-PACS solution. Adding to Coactiv’s existing archiving facility in Tarrytown, N.Y., is the Level (3) Tier-IV data center in Stamford, Conn., enhancing CoActiv’s off-site Quad-Redundant Archiving service technology. Quad Redundant Archiving safely and automatically saves medical images and records to three always online and available locations and a fourth, being digital removable media. The archiving service enhancements allow CoActiv to provide an instant IT cross-connect link from the company’s existing EXAM-VAULT System Tier-IV data centers to other level (3) centers in U.S. and European locations. This translates to more than 850 Internet points of presence, 320 Gbps of transatlantic data communications capacity, a million miles of fiber and 78 data centers in North America and Europe.
CoActiv Medical Business Solutions, Ridgefield, Conn.